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Giving Activist Lawyers the 'Greenlight'


It is not about becoming rich, but rather changing the world one case at a time.

I came across this line while watching one of those inspirational and thought-provoking movies that has you motivated to change the world for a whole 30 minutes after watching it. But it really got me thinking about why I wanted to study law and eventually become a lawyer in the first place. With Matthew McConaughey's new book 'Greenlights' in hand with quotes that could keep me inspired for at least another 2 hours, I decided to write this quick blog.

I think most of us have a desire to make a difference in whatever walks of life we decide to take, with a final goal of being extraordinary in our field. Whether it is becoming a famous actor, Olympic champion or becoming a CEO we all seek to make as much impact on this earth with the relatively short time we have here.

I am no different, like most young aspirational students I am sensitive to the injustices in this world, which could be the basis for the criticism of our generation as being too soft or ‘Woke’, with cancel culture becoming so significant it might get its own cancel culture month, with Instagram stories and slogans to match.

Recently, thanks to the ever so helpful Conservative Government and Trumps administration Activist Lawyers have been lumped into the same black marked group alongside the woke and soft generation.

With all of the outrage on the news and social media about ‘activist lawyers’ or ‘loud-mouth lawyers’ from sources such as the Home Office, I think we forget that being an activist or being loud-mouthed (when you are being loud about a good cause) is not a bad thing!

Activist - “a person who believes strongly in political or social change and takes part in activities such as public protests to try to make this happen

Some how this has been moulded by those in their high towers who do not wish to have their actions criticised or opposed, to discredit lawyers who wish to pursue justice and battle inequality.

One of the reasons I wanted to become a lawyer specifically in the areas of Human Rights and criminal Justice, is that no one is guaranteed either. Sometimes as we go about our normal everyday lives we become blind to the mistreatment or abuse that other people face, until it becomes a Netflix documentary that has everyone becoming Sherlock Homes and Petition Sites seeing their engagement rate rise and fall quicker than Priti Patel can release a statement about migrants crossing the Channel.

It takes those in pursuit of equality and fairness or ‘activists’ to make change, however this has been damaged by polarising figures at the top table who oose hatred and division and seek to demoralise and criticise anyone who stands up for the little person.

I know I am not the only 20 something law student who wishes to make a difference in whatever area of law they enter into. If I have not explained the reason why I don’t mind being an activist lawyer or why I studied law in the first place hopefully this explains it;

“Some say that justice is blind, but this is wrong. We see justice through biased eyes and the aim of my career is to find that justice wherever it may be and place it right in front of those who can deliver it.” – Another inspirational quote that had me ready to rumble for a whole 30 minutes.

At Activist Lawyer we want to hear from all those who identify as an Activist Lawyer and why. Contributing to the blog or taking part in discussions on our podcast is how change is started, with conversations that raise thought and inspire others. So, if you wish to take part whether you’re a young aspiring activist lawyer or one further down the road please do not hesitate to contact us.



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